The first is picture is of Louisville mayor Jerry Abramson telling the crowd that this event maybe the country's largest Memorial Day cycling event. He also said that Bicycling magazine has stated that Louisville is the most improved toward cyclists. I think he also said attendance might approach 5000 though the Courier Journal newspaper on their website is putting attendance at around 4500.
A nice addition was that Subway was furnishing discounts on their meals. If you think healthy fast food eating, Subway is your place. Also the city was giving out maps and T-shirts. A radio station was giving out packets of sunblock which was nice and helpful.
The weather cooperated and it did not rain until around 4 PM when all of the stands had been dismantled.

I am in this crowd of cyclists waiting to get started. I might be in the third mass group out.

Let me just say it was great cycling down 4th Street with the police blocking traffic off. I never thought I would get to do that. The police were excellent with traffic control.

People are cycling toward the finish at the Great Lawn.

These little kids were up on stage playing music for the crowd as riders returned to the Great Lawn. They were quite talented and it took some courage to stand up there, play and sing.

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