Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Fossils from Hodgenville
These fossils for the most part are of bryzoan fenestella. It looks like a net pattern on the rock. There are also a few brachiopod imprints as well.
These creatures existed in the Mississippian (known in the United States) or elsewhere as early Carboniferous during the Paleozoic era. Timeline wise it was about 320-360 million years ago.
The rocks are reddish with white chalk like material and some rocks have a black almost burnt section to them. After consulting with a long time member of KYANA (Kentuckiana Geological Society), he told me that probably the red was iron, white silicon, and the black magnesium.

This is not a fossil but I thought it looked pretty neat so I took its picture.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
More Flowers from the Sidewalk Garden
The neat pentagon shaped flower pod that has a balloon look to it.
Here is a pink hydrangea which I think signifies the soil is base (pH over 7) while blue ones have pH before 6 with acidic soil.
These yellow flowers belong to the common mullein (Verbascum thapsus). The stalks can get 7 feet tall and the leaves grow out radially that feel felt like. Another picture of a balloon flower.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Flowers from Sidewalk Garden

This is a plant that might be some sort of weed but came up and seems to be about the only thing that will grow in our front flower bed. It has soft velvet like leaves sort of tobacco looking. The bloom stalk is maybe 3 feet high though with these little yellow flowers.

Here is the Easter Lily that does not bloom at Easter. It has another friend that has about six bloom pods that should be blooming any day now.

Saturday, June 21, 2008
Predation of Cicadas
This week now that they have pretty much disappeared I have seen a small number of instances of them being eaten by other creatures.
Here is the only picture I caught of it happening in the act. A black jumping spider has captured one. I assumed it was alive when it was caught since it eyes are still red. The cicadas eyes turn dark once they are dead.

From a distance, I saw a red cardinal bird pecking at cicada. Later when I got my camera and investigated I found it was not completely dead but most of its abdomen was gone.

Here is an example of ants removing the pieces of cicada. Every so often I would see that the ants were taking apart a live cicada but only rarely.

The oddest encounter was a chipmunk that ran up to the porch and then picked up a dead cicada and started to eat parts of it or at least take it apart. I guess chipmunks can be carnivores.

Here is another cicada that the same cardinal mentioned earlier decided to eat part of.

Last, this cicada became victim to the air conditioner compressor.

Friday, June 20, 2008
Growing Concord Grapes
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Large Crinoid Pieces
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
Fossil Hunting After Watermelon Planting
On my way back to Louisville, I stopped off at Joe Prather highway and looked for fossils.
I found 4 trilobite tails embedded in a some rocks. So I keep my trend alive at find trilobite pieces on my last 6 outings. I thought this trip would end it since the area is not known for trilobites.
Here is a small shell I found but have not identified yet. It might be some type of Athyris brachiopod but I am not sure Devonian fossils are in this area. It would seem to be maybe from the Mississippian Period (Lower Carboniferous) so maybe it is a Beecheria brachiopod.
Here is a pea sized blastoid head which I was surprised to find. It might be a Pentremites from the Mississippian time period.
Another surprising thing about it is that is black in color.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Ripe Cherries
As a child I remember my mother making cherry pies, cobbler, strudel, and preserves.
The preserves were the best.